Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Christian's Pink Elephant of Halloween: What Are You REALLY Celebrating?

This blog is birthed by my own curiosity to find the history and truth behind Halloween. It is also written to find out for myself why I should not celebrate it rather than just saying "because my parents told me it was Satan's holiday". I personally was never allowed to participate in Halloween festivals, but after many hours of researching I found out why...

If you feel convicted that is not in any way directly related to myself nor this blog-for that is the job of the Holy Spirit. I am simply the messenger who cannot stay silent. [I can see some of you hovering over the red "X" already. But I must persist, and even double-dog-dare you. Please, read the entire content of this blog BEFORE you hit the "X". I believe there is a message, or at the very least some food for thought, regarding this holiday you need to hear.]

This may be a longer blog, but it is also full of quotes and hard evidence of truth based on historical facts and real pagan/wiccan practices and beliefs [as proof I did some witch info hunting and found myself on several straight up demonic, witch websites; and yes I did some hardcore interceding/worshipping while I was on there]. I am writing this because I strongly feel the Lord telling me to do so.  *Disclaimer, this blog will be graphic, because I will not sugar-coat any of the truth.*

I will start with a brief summary of the history of Halloween, it was originally known as the Pagan/Celtic New Year. It originated before the 17th century-which is when this festival peaked-and began with the Celtics celebrating Samhain. Samhain is the pagan's celebration of the end of summer and the start of winter. Samhain also marked the time of sacred rituals and sacrifices to the pagan gods performed by the Druids-which often included dancing around bonfires in costumes. It was believed that October 31 is the time when the pagan gods would descend to Earth in order to see the sacrifices of thanksgiving, as well as the same night that the spirits/ghosts would rise from their graves in search of warmth. "Samhain is a serious celebration to most pagans. It is believed to be an 'in between' time and is often called 'Night of the Thin Veil', because at this time, it is believed that the 'veil' between the worlds is the thinnest and it is easier to communicate with those who have passed on." []

The Catholics tried to counteract by creating a similar yet holy holiday known as "All Saint's Day" or rather "All Hallow's Evening"-later shortened to "Halloween"-in order to honour the Saints who were dead yet did not have a special day of recognition. While All Saint's Day was a day to pray for and bless the dead who had moved on, they kept several of the same rituals the Celtics/Druids (Celtic priests) performed. [I.e. Rejoicing over the dead, dancing, and praying to those who have passed on]: "Some Christians visit cemeteries on Halloween, not to practice evil, but to commemorate departed relatives and friends, with picnics and the last flowers of the year. The day after All Saints day is called All Soul's Day, a day to remember and offer prayers up on behalf of all of the faithful departed. In many cultures it seems the two days share many customs." [] They seem to share? o.O

Some of you may argue, "Well I don't pray to the dead, bob for apples, or dance around bonfires. What about trick-or-treating or costumes? Those can't possibly be bad."

"C'mon, it's not that bad. I just go for the free candy, can you blame me?"

Ironically, it ties into All Saint's Day as well as Samhain. In the early 17th century, beggars walked around the city doing what they do best: beg. On All Saint's Day, during their parades, the people would give beggars "soul cakes". A "soul cake" was a treat given to someone in return for praying for their dead ancestor. So while the beggar got to eat, they also had to pray for some dead person they never met. Originally, soul cakes were left at the door for the family's dead souls as they came to life roaming the earth near Halloween/All Saints Day.  "The practice, which was referred to as 'going a-souling' was eventually taken up by children who would visit the houses in their neighborhood and be given ale, food, and money." 

However, trick or treating was a well-known practice by the Celtics and Druids prior to the church's methods. (Note, a "Druid" is a Celtic priest.) The Druids believed that the souls of the dead and the ghosts would leave their graves at the end of summer, in search of warmth on the cold night, and would go back to the house in which they once presided.The people were frightened by the prospect of dishonoring, or even angering them. As an appeasement, the people would leave candies and food on their doorsteps for the ghosts and souls to eat as they passed by so they would not enter their homes. []

"What's wrong with dressing up? I'm going as Minnie Mouse, not a French Maid! How bad can that be?"

This same theory is where costumes come in. The people were so afraid of ghosts that they would not leave their homes on Halloween. If they did, they felt the need to disguise themselves using masks and costumes to trick the ghosts into thinking they were a fellow spirit. Costumes were also worn while dancing around a bonfire on Samhain (same night as Halloween) in order to scare off the evil spirits. The Celtics and Druids believed there were two kinds of spirits who came to Earth on Halloween: the good who could help one divine (foretell like pyschics) their future, and the bad who reap misfortune and chaos on those who cross their paths. Costumes could also be used to deceive ghosts and to lead them outside of the town where they would not harm or bother any of the people. The costumes worn at these sacred bonfires usually included animal heads or skins after performing sacrifices to their pagan gods. [] []

"But it's just a pumpkin. Look I carved Jesus' face, that makes it holy, right?!" "Oh for- It's not even a pumpkin, it's a milk carton."

I don't care if you carve Jesus' face in it-it's still apart of another pagan ritual. There are several beliefs of the purposes behind a jack-o-lantern but all have a similar factor in regarding spirits of the dead. One belief, regarding Samhain, is that one would carve a scary face into the pumpkin as means to scare unwanted guests and spirits away from the house. This particular ritual is known as the "circle of heads". Another belief, correlated to All Saints Day, is that the lanterns would lead the way for the spirits to their final destinations. A very common belief among pagans is linked to the Celtic myth of Bran the Blessed. Bran was once a Celtic god who ordered prior to his death that his head be cut off and be planted in the ground with his head facing France in order to protect it. In remembrance of their god, pagans carve the faces into pumpkins and place candles in them saying this fake head is representative of the head of Bran. [

The name "Jack-O-Lantern" comes from the Celtic myth of "Stingy Jack". Jack made several deals with Satan after inviting the devil to drink with him. After he died, God would not allow him into heaven, but he made a deal with Satan that he could not have Jack's soul. After he died, Satan gave him one coal to light his way. He placed it into a pumpkin (some say turnip) so he would not burn his hand. It is said that his ghost roams the earth and is thus represented by the candle lights inside the pumpkins-which are often lighted by Samhain bonfire's embers. The pumpkins were used because during Samhain, the people would eat vine vegetables [one of which is a pumpkin] and drink wine. It is said in Samhain culture, that if a candle in the pumpkin flickers it has been touched by a spirit. [] []

HAUNTED HOUSES: **this contains graphic content**
"Oh c'moff it, Lauren, it's just a stupid house with ridiculously fake looking decorations. It's not even scary!"

First off, I don't care if it is super fake, it's nasty. Secondly, it could be that you're not scared because you're desensitized. Thirdly, have you seen the haunted house on Rainbow and Smoke Ranch called "The Gates of HELL" with 666 as the doors' entrances and exits!?

The first real origin of a haunted house is known to be Count Dracula's. Yes, Dracula was indeed a real person. While he may not have fangs, or been a vampire, nor a bat, he definitely drank human blood. His real name was Vlad, but his father's name was "Dracul" which means "dragon or devil." "Dracula" when literally translated from Romanian means "the son of Dracul"-so in a sense he himself was "the son of the devil."

Dracula was also known as "Vlad the Impaler". Dracula would invite beggars and the deformed, mentally, physically, etc., into his palace-he was the prince of Transylvania for over thirty years on again, off again. After feeding them he would ask, "Would you like to never struggle with your disabilities again?" Of course anyone would answer yes; unfortunately, they never saw the horrific consequences. He would put these victims onto stakes [wooden spears] and let them writhe and scream in agony until they died-sometimes a few days later. He also had an icon of the Virgin Mary which hid the trapdoor on which people would be praying. During their prayers, the trapdoor would swing wide open and the people would fall onto a stake hidden beneath them.

While it cannot be proven, it is said that Dracula dipped his meals into the victims' blood and often drank their blood in their presence-dead or alive. Sometimes he would put the people, still alive on the stake and thrashing uncontrollably, screaming bloody murder, in front of his palace as a warning to possible invaders. [] BECAUSE OF SUCH ACTIONS, DRACULA'S HOME WAS KNOWN AS THE "HAUNTED HOUSE." 

Of course, haunted houses are also very real in that they can be occupied by demonic spirits and the presence of evil. Such as the Amityville Horror.

It started with the Great Potato Famine, when the Irish immigrants came to America in search of food in 1846. While the Irish brought their families, they also brought many traditions including those of Samhain and the Druids paganistic beliefs and rituals. Americans soon began to mold such traditions into their own fashion by dressing up and going door to door asking for a treat or a trick. As the years went on, more and more people took on the new ways to celebrate forgetting the roots of the rituals: "In the late 1800s, there was a move in America to mold Halloween into a holiday more about community and neighborly get-togethers than about ghosts, pranks and witchcraft. At the turn of the century, Halloween parties for both children and adults became the most common way to celebrate the day." No matter which way you look at it, America fully embraced the paganistic rituals but tried to make it seem harmless with their personal twists. 


Uhm, have you not been reading any of what I just wrote? o.O Every festivity or celebration associated with Halloween has to do with paganism, evil spirits, and straight up demonic manifestations. The Bible clearly states we need to remain pure and stay away from spiritists, witchcraft, anything in the opposing spirit of God:

"Do not deceive one another."
"Do not practice divinity or sorcery."
"Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves for I am the Lord."
"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them."
"Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the Lord your God. Keep my decrees and follow them."
Leviticus 19: 11, 26, 28, 31; 20:7

Again, some will argue: "But those are under the old law and with Christ there came a new law. So none of that matters." Others may say, "But I'm not seeking witchcraft or sorcery or even spiritists! What's that got to do with Halloween?"

Matthew 15: 3
"Jesus replied, 'And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your own traditions?" Am I taking this out of context? No. Jesus spoke in parables, thus making his words applicable to many different circumstances. If you don't believe me let's move onto verses 15-20:

"Peter said, Explain the parable to us.' 'Are you still so dull?' Jesus asked, 'Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean'. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.'"

Halloween exemplifies evil-sometimes literally with people dressing as serial killers, victims with bloodied axes in their heads, or straight up outfits that scream, "Let's have sex!" "But I don't dress like that!", you say... But again, look at verse 3- you've replaced God's command with a tradition that has been changed into something harmless but was originally rooted in Satanic practices.

Here's a question, how are you supposed to show someone the way to salvation if you yourself are indulging in the same pleasures those of the world do? [Ooh, touchy subject.] As said in Isaiah 49 and as repeated by the apostle Paul in Acts 13: 47, "For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'"

Going along with this, let's read Romans 6:1-2, 4, 6-10:
"What shall we say then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should not longer be slaves to sin-because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once and for all BUT THE LIFE HE LIVES, HE LIVES TO GOD."

Sooo, does this mean no trunk-or-treat or Harvest Festivals?
"But, but my CHURCH is doing it, so it must mean that Jesus is involved, right?

Absolutely NOT. While many churches are creating their own "harvest festival" it is the same exact night as Halloween and often includes the same traditions as the real deal: costumes, candy give aways, pumpkins, etc.  You are doing exactly what the Catholics did with All Saint's Day. It is still the same day, same actions, same theories, same everything. You cannot make something holy by masquerading it as a Christian festival anymore than you can masquerade the skies to be red by wearing red-tinted sunglasses. The sky is still blue, and October 31 is still a pagan, Satanic-influenced holiday.

Carving pumpkins that are meant for a Celtic god, dressing up to ward off or trick evil spirits, giving candy away to appease the souls of the dead, Samhain bonfires, witchcraft, demonic spirits, and Satanic practices are written all over Halloween. Yet, sadly, it is the 2nd biggest holiday next to  Christmas with an average spending of $6 Billion per year. While Halloween may not be "Satan's Holiday" it most definitely has his work and demonic influences screaming all over it.  How is any of that living a life to (or for) God?

Think about this and please, I beg of you, be 100% honest with yourself. Do you think, can you see, if Jesus were here on Earth today that he would celebrate Halloween? Do you honestly think that Jesus would go door to door saying, "Trick or Treat!" Do you really see him carving a face into a pumpkin and placing a candle in it? Can you see him dressing up in a costume? Besides, who would he go as, anyways? If you cannot see Jesus doing this, then why are you?

Take off the blind folds of deceit,

Here are some more links to different sites regarding the history and truth of Halloween:


  1. Hey Lauren,
    this was an awesome blog i have never thought about the other sides of halloween. the one reason i would never let my kids take part in halloween if i had kids is because my passion is trafficking and one of the meanings of een the word "trick or treat" is
    "Trick" is a slang term for the customer of a prostitute.

    "treat" is the actual prostitute....(trick also means alot of other vulgar things that im not going to share)

    we all know the statistics of how much trafficking happens and its not a joke. If i have kids i DO NOT want them saying 'trick or treat!' just to fit in with the other have kids/saying something ignorantly because they honestly dont know any better or know what it means. if any of you dont care about anything else that was mentioned, that alone should bother you.

    dont let your kids talk about the act of degrading and raping women.... 'trick or treat?'

  2. Whoa at first i wished i could get the candy and dress as my favourite wrong I was
