When I first saw it, I knew I had to buy it. To be called a "Jesus Freak" is like the ultimate compliment for me, because to me it shows I must be doing something right for someone to have noticed. It says I am radical for Jesus, so radical that I am borderline "freaky." But on the flip side, after I put it on my car I realized the humongous responsibility that came with this label--especially with MY driving. I'm not saying I was a bad driver, but let's just say that I wasn't very "Christian" in how I drove. (Since I bought it my ways have changed for the better, I promise!)
This got me thinking, how many times have we labeled ourselves as "Christians" but then we realize just how un-Christian we can be around certain people or in some situations? How often are we acting like genuine Christ-like followers of Jesus ("Christians") because we are not ashamed of our beliefs? Have we ever kept our mouths shut because we are afraid of what others will say or think? Do you have a group of friends that are non-believers with whom you are most like yourself, then another group of friends who are Christians when you act Godly? (Or vice versa?)
Sadly, I am finding more and more "Jesus Pleasers". These are people who may aim to please the world, be politically correct, not offend anyone, or have "fun" without obeying conviction, rather than "Jesus Freaks" who are not ashamed of their decisions to follow Christ's example in everything they do in their daily lives and strive to live by their convictions.
As Christians we are called to more than flipping the tv channels and watching Joel Osteen, or running on a treadmill at the gym watching the 700 Club quietly saying "Amen" under your breath. It's more than attending church every Sunday, Bible Studies every Tuesday, and Prayer Vigils on Thursdays. You are called to more than sitting on your butt singing a few worship songs, maybe raising your hand to a favorite oldie, listening to a "feel good sermon", mind your manners around strangers, and make up your own curse words. You are called to more than reading your Bible but not living out what you read. It's more than reading the great, uplifting passages but skimming quickly through the ones that you don't want to hear. You are called to more than passing out meals/socks/clothes to the homeless to fill the "Christian quota." It's more than teaching the Sunday School periodically. It's more than dropping a check in the tithe box. It's about more than partying with the guys/girls late last night, then praying for forgiveness over the porcelain throne only to do it all over again next Friday night. It's about more than hanging out with friends at youth group, because it's fun, they play good games, and it provides free food.
Christianity is not doing the do's, and forgetting the don'ts.
It's about being backwards.
It's about being offensive when it comes to standing up for what is right, not what is acceptable.
It's about breaking stereotypes.
But most importantly, it is being more afraid of the God our loving Father and disciplining Master, than fearing mans' fleeting opinions we claim not to care about.
Jesus never did anything that He did not see His Father do first.
Think about that, Jesus Christ never did anything that God did not do first. NOTHING. And if Jesus says we are to be like Him, which ultimately means we are to be like God, why are we doing things God never did? Why are we not trusting for God to move when we need Him most? Why are we so independent!? We were not created to be this way, yet over time and molding of society-says-so we have become more dependent on ourselves and our skills and our time and our efforts that we all too often forget God is even apart of the picture.
No one ever entered into heaven by doing good actions. (If this were true, why is there such a debate on whether or not other religions are Christian?) Jesus has said the only way to heaven is through the one the Father sent. How can we go through Jesus if we are not like Jesus? Think of it like oil and water. You can shake it as much as you want, eventually the two will separate because they are not the same. But if you pour water into water, it will become one and you cannot see the difference.
We are not of this world, brothers and sisters. We are different, we are weird. We are called to be Jesus Freaks, not Jesus Wannabe's. You can try all you want to shake things up and mix yourself (water) in the world (oil), but it is not possible. You cannot be of the world and of Christ. You cannot serve two masters. You can only choose to be one OR the other.
When the world sees a Christian they should not be able to tell the difference between us and Jesus. They should, however, be able to see a very clear, definite, BIG, FAT DIFFERENCE between the world and Christians.
No excuses, no exceptions.
-Freaky Saint
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