Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to Change the World in 3 Easy Steps.

STEP 1: Smile, a LOT.

Smiles are contagious no matter how creepy they seem. Even Sheldon from the hit TV show The Big Bang Theory can create an atmosphere of LOL's and many smiles with his freaky attempts. Smiles can also make someone's day easier and better. Plus, did you know it takes far fewer muscles to smile than to frown? (True story.) Not to mention, you have been blessed with another day in which you have food in your stomach, transportation to get you from point A to point B, friends, and a roof over your head. You're  probably not in a hospital with a deathly disease diagnosis, nobody died, and the sun is bright and shiny (depending on the day/where you live). Don't know how to smile? It's easy! Take both index fingers, place at either corner of your lips, pull out an inch then up-but not too far. You don't want to look like the Joker, then you're just officially creepy and not effective in the area of contagious smiles. No bueno. If you don't feel like smiling check out this awesome picture:

(It's Superman as an LOLCat, hehe.)

STEP 2: Live a Little with A Lotta Joy (Bombs)!

What are joy bombs?
I'm glad you asked.

"Joy bombs" are a term I have adopted over these past two years which describe events or times or moments when I am overly excited, overly happy, consumed with joy to the point where I am either smiling like an idiot or the most excited child on Christmas, often because I am realizing how good Jesus is and I can't help but be super-uber-happy.

To change the world, once you have figured out how to smile, without the Joker effects, hold that pose and look at your reflection until you start truly smiling and then giggling, then laughing. Seriously, go test it. Depending on how long it takes before you laugh, or even giggle, will depend on if you are naturally pessimistic or optimistic. As an optimist, joy will come naturally easier. As a pessimist, you need to stand firm on making the daily choice of being joyful. Happiness is an emotion, joy is a choice.

Once you have obtained and mastered the art of being joyful, the joy will naturally spread like a plague which will result in making others' lives better and easier too. Seriously, it's true! People who are joyful or just plain happy don't let the little things get them down. They learn to forgive more, love more, stop fights, end wars, bring peace, help one another, grant extra patience to those who are in need, and they ultimately are making themselves into a "better person" which eventually creates a "better world."

Want some joy bombs? Listen to this song:
 (Disclaimer, no not everyone will like it, but to those who do, you're welcome :) )

STEP 3: Faith in Yourself.

This is where a lot of people fail to make ends meet. They don't believe in themselves enough to have a little faith that they can be used by God to truly make a difference. Too many times I have met people, old and young alike, who tell me "I could never make a difference in the world," "I can't change the world, I'm too [this or that]". Or my personal favorite, "I'm so proud of you, and all that you're doing! I couldn't do what you're doing!"

...Why not?
I'm not a philanthropist.
I'm not Mother Teresa. 
I'm not a superhero.
I'm not Jesus.
I'm just me.
And all me does is love, serve, and smile. 

I wish I could say I am like Heidi Baker and I love everyone, but that would be the biggest, fattest lie I think I could tell. But I know that in order to love others, I have to first learn to love myself. Once I learn how to love even parts about me I hate-whether it be physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual, or emotional-then I can find qualities and character traits I love in other people. I don't have to go out and love the world all at once, I just have to start small and work my way up.

I don't serve everyday, but when I do I give it my all in the areas I feel (somewhat) comfortable. Was it hard at first? Heck yes. Did I eventually learn to love what I do because I asked God to give me His heart for His children? Yup.

Do I feel like smiling everyday or having joy bombs 24/7? Nope. And definitely not during "that time of the month." But I also understand it's still a choice which no one can make for myself but me. No matter how much junk I am going through, or how sick I feel, or what sticky situation I find myself in, it's up to me on whether I am going to let it get me down or not.

People need people to admire, look up to, count on, model after... If we keep providing crappy, pessimistic, worldly, money-loving, all about me, me, me celebrities for models then of course the world is going to continue to travel down the path of crashing and burning. The problem with world changers is everyone keeps putting it off for someone else to do it. Let the world changers create their own snowball effect! Be apart of the change that people need, not just the change we all claim to want. 

You don't have to go after creating the cure for the AIDS epidemic. Go after the epidemic of negativity among your family and friends. Don't bite off more than you can chew trying to change Hollywood movies and celebrities, change the way you act around your Thespian friends at school/club. And stick with it! Don't let what others say become who you are--words can hurt and break bones, but don't let them break your soul.

Bono once said, 'Be the change YOU want to see in the world.' has a shirt that reads, "Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves."
Matthew 28:19-20 reads, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

To change the world you only need three things:
1. A contagious smile.
2. The ability to choose joy no matter what your circumstance.
3. Faith that YOU can be used to change the world. 

Anybody can do that... Even you.
Especially you.


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