A lot of you may be wondering how I got the nickname "Saint". Or perhaps you're just wondering who is the author behind the mustang, shadows, sailing ships, and what not's? Some have seen my picture (at the very bottom) but that can only speak a thousand words. Well, it already says "Saint" so I guess it speaks another mysterious 999 words...
Aaanyways, back to the story behind my nickname:
I am a born-native to Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada. A rare breed indeed. But even moreso since I have remained Christian, and continue to grow stronger and stronger in my faith each year-which can only be testified to having hardcore Jesus Freak family; and a super strong grip on my shoulder from the Father himself who continually makes sure to keep me on the straight and narrow path.
However, there was a year when I seemed to slow down and my gaze drifted to the ways of the world. I found myself in a very dark, trapped maze in which the term "spiritual warfare" collided with the physical realm. I was clinically depressed, suicidal, angry at the world, feeling more alone than I thought possible. I had not forgotten God, but I thought maybe he had forgotten me. I was the west and He was the east, we would never meet...
But God proved, once again, through his everlasting love and unlimited grace that he is stronger than he who is in the world. He was always with me, always watching over and protecting me from my own foolish mistakes and selfish actions. He delivered me from every demonic stronghold, every captive mentality, he set this slave of sin completely free. After he brought me through this, he led me into Youth With A Mission-a missionary training, non-profit, discipleship school-and I took the path to the adventure of a lifetime learning about my true identity in Christ as a Sin City Saint.
Such a revelation of this identity came to me halfway through my schooling when I received a most-glorious vision. (A "vision", for me, is when God reveals the future through the spiritual gift of the prophetic-much like he did for Isaiah, Daniel, Samuel, John-through movie-like-scenes that run in my mind.) In this vision, I saw myself and a group of young adults on the Strip passing out flyers much like those of the 'clickers'. (Clickers are the people, usually Hispanic, you see passing out those cards-be not deceived. Many of those on the cards, as well as most of the clickers themselves, are trafficked into the sex slave industry.) On our cards, however, were phrases and verses about how much Jesus loves them, how he does not see their sins, but sees them for who they are as his children, etc.
The vision zoomed in on me and I saw "John 3:17" written across the back of an all-black shirt with the word "rEVOLution" written above it. In the vision, I turned around and the words "Sin City Saint" were written across my chest. As I saw myself witnessing and evangelizing with this group of teens and young adults, many of whom were in my youth group, I heard the Lord say to me: "This is who you are. You are my Child. You are my Beloved. You are my Sin City Saint." Ever since then, and even when he addresses me in other visions, or the still small whisper, he will call to me using this name, this identity.
The point of this blog is not to boost any of my own personal moral nor my self-esteem. It is not to give myself a pat on the back for the use of eloquent words, or adding a notch to the belt of pride for the people who have been influenced. It is simply my way of sharing what I feel the Lord wants his children to hear on a broader, world-wide basis, in such a way as you may not have heard otherwise. It is not to impart any of my own wisdom upon you, for none of it is mine to begin with. I write each blog praying that the words I type will be those of God the Father's, and none be mine-although, yes I will admit I will let some of my quirks and "funny" comments slip, sometimes I just can't help myself.
Lastly, I hope that you, dear reader, do not feel as though I am imposing any of my own personal beliefs or 'religion' upon you. I try to live my life as Jesus would, which at times may include shedding the light of truth; but at the same time embracing our differences and loving my neighbor as I love myself. I try not to judge or be biased against anyone. I aim to keep my comments to myself, yet they will sometimes come out if I feel convicted. If I have, or at any point in future writings, offend you, I humbly ask for your forgiveness for that is never my intention.
To those of you who have liked what you read, or have been challenged or encouraged, may I ask that you please spread the word of this blog. It is not for my own personal gain but for yours. I am learning more about God and his goodness everyday-hence another reason why I try to keep up with the updates and write often-and I want to share such treasures with as many as I can.
If you would like to know me better, have a story you would like to share, need prayer or advice, or if you have a question feel free to email me at nerdieblonde@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you! Seriously, I would! (:
Aaanyways, back to the story behind my nickname:
I am a born-native to Sin City, Las Vegas, Nevada. A rare breed indeed. But even moreso since I have remained Christian, and continue to grow stronger and stronger in my faith each year-which can only be testified to having hardcore Jesus Freak family; and a super strong grip on my shoulder from the Father himself who continually makes sure to keep me on the straight and narrow path.
However, there was a year when I seemed to slow down and my gaze drifted to the ways of the world. I found myself in a very dark, trapped maze in which the term "spiritual warfare" collided with the physical realm. I was clinically depressed, suicidal, angry at the world, feeling more alone than I thought possible. I had not forgotten God, but I thought maybe he had forgotten me. I was the west and He was the east, we would never meet...
But God proved, once again, through his everlasting love and unlimited grace that he is stronger than he who is in the world. He was always with me, always watching over and protecting me from my own foolish mistakes and selfish actions. He delivered me from every demonic stronghold, every captive mentality, he set this slave of sin completely free. After he brought me through this, he led me into Youth With A Mission-a missionary training, non-profit, discipleship school-and I took the path to the adventure of a lifetime learning about my true identity in Christ as a Sin City Saint.
Such a revelation of this identity came to me halfway through my schooling when I received a most-glorious vision. (A "vision", for me, is when God reveals the future through the spiritual gift of the prophetic-much like he did for Isaiah, Daniel, Samuel, John-through movie-like-scenes that run in my mind.) In this vision, I saw myself and a group of young adults on the Strip passing out flyers much like those of the 'clickers'. (Clickers are the people, usually Hispanic, you see passing out those cards-be not deceived. Many of those on the cards, as well as most of the clickers themselves, are trafficked into the sex slave industry.) On our cards, however, were phrases and verses about how much Jesus loves them, how he does not see their sins, but sees them for who they are as his children, etc.
The vision zoomed in on me and I saw "John 3:17" written across the back of an all-black shirt with the word "rEVOLution" written above it. In the vision, I turned around and the words "Sin City Saint" were written across my chest. As I saw myself witnessing and evangelizing with this group of teens and young adults, many of whom were in my youth group, I heard the Lord say to me: "This is who you are. You are my Child. You are my Beloved. You are my Sin City Saint." Ever since then, and even when he addresses me in other visions, or the still small whisper, he will call to me using this name, this identity.
The point of this blog is not to boost any of my own personal moral nor my self-esteem. It is not to give myself a pat on the back for the use of eloquent words, or adding a notch to the belt of pride for the people who have been influenced. It is simply my way of sharing what I feel the Lord wants his children to hear on a broader, world-wide basis, in such a way as you may not have heard otherwise. It is not to impart any of my own wisdom upon you, for none of it is mine to begin with. I write each blog praying that the words I type will be those of God the Father's, and none be mine-although, yes I will admit I will let some of my quirks and "funny" comments slip, sometimes I just can't help myself.
Lastly, I hope that you, dear reader, do not feel as though I am imposing any of my own personal beliefs or 'religion' upon you. I try to live my life as Jesus would, which at times may include shedding the light of truth; but at the same time embracing our differences and loving my neighbor as I love myself. I try not to judge or be biased against anyone. I aim to keep my comments to myself, yet they will sometimes come out if I feel convicted. If I have, or at any point in future writings, offend you, I humbly ask for your forgiveness for that is never my intention.
To those of you who have liked what you read, or have been challenged or encouraged, may I ask that you please spread the word of this blog. It is not for my own personal gain but for yours. I am learning more about God and his goodness everyday-hence another reason why I try to keep up with the updates and write often-and I want to share such treasures with as many as I can.
If you would like to know me better, have a story you would like to share, need prayer or advice, or if you have a question feel free to email me at nerdieblonde@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you! Seriously, I would! (:
Sincerely Yours, Dear Readers,