This has been one crazy year.
I've traveled to India (for the second time in six months), the Philippines (after dreaming of it for eight years), I have almost completed my first year as a missionary (which they say is always the hardest), I've witnessed hundreds come to know the Lord (in Vegas, Mumbai & Quezon Province), I made a lot of new friends, lost some old ones, found some who were lost come home. I've survived working in the ghetto without anything bad happening to me, or my car as it sat outside on F & Washington. I've eaten some of interesting foods (like isaw and balot). I witnessed many miracles, I learned how to die to my flesh, surrender it all for the sake of the Lord, I've seen breakthrough, I've witnessed the birth of a revival, I gained new levels of intimacy with the Beloved, learned a new level of patience as I keep waiting for the one. I learned to sing in the storm, dance in the rain, and play in the desert.
But I have yet to experience a full life, because life has so much more to offer.
In the last few years, after a few near death experiences, and seeing God's glory on my own mountaintop experiences, an innate passion to live life to the fullest burns within my soul. It's what drives me into another day, another year. It propels me closer to the stars, closer to my dreams-even the unattainable by human standpoint's dreams, especially those. Life is one of, if not the most precious gift given to mankind. The very least we can do is enjoy it and get the most out of it while glorifying and praising the one who bestowed such a treasure. Life is too fragile to throw away, much less waste away.
If I died tomorrow, heaven forbid!, I think I could say I lived a pretty good life, but I didn't live my life. My life has barely begun because I have only started on the journey which destiny has set before me. I have yet to find my life's calling, or at the very least, served my purpose. While many would say I "lived life to the fullest" I would say it's still half-empty. I'm not being pessimistic, rather I am fully optimistic! I understand that there are so many adventures that await me! Every year has gotten better and better than the prior, and every year I come out a different person, a changed for the better human, less a sinner and more a saint. I do not say so in vain, nor pride. We are all saints if we have accepted Christ within us, we are made new creations, creatures of the light, children of the King of Kings, we are servants of the Lord: Saints.
2011 was indeed an amazing year. I was stretched in my faith, broke more, hidden God-boxes, I witnessed the Lord's glory manifest itself through and in me and my friends, I grew in talents and giftings, blessings abounded as I stood astounded.
Did I accomplish any of my new year's resolutions for 2011? Well, other than going back to India, probably not. I'm the practically the same weight, my eating habits got somewhat better towards the end, I exercise here and there but never hardcore, no gym memberships for me. I didn't learn to play the guitar or even really try (someday!), everything is pretty much the same old same old on the exterior--but on the interior, I am a completely transformed, different person altogether than I was in 2010. I trust God more, I have fewer fears, I have faith to move more mountains (still working on others), I believe in impossibilities, I put myself out there more in ministry and evangelizing, I aim to serve others for their benefits over my own, I am hungrier for God than I have ever been before, and I am (finally) believing I can see my dreams become realities.
Each year my list of resolutions become smaller and smaller because I realize how futile my attempts are. I know me well enough to know that I really am not going to accomplish anything on my list because it is used to glorify myself and to make me look better to the world. But, on the flip side of the coin, if I change my motives I become more motivated because it is no longer all about me.
Resolutions rarely live past three months, six at the most, unless someone is super, super motivated. I am not that motivated to lose weight, but I am motivated to start taking better care of this temple in which the Spirit of God resides. I am not really into playing guitar, but I would love to play songs of worship for my Beloved in my Quiet Times. I don't like running, but I would love to run again since God healed my knees (left was healed in 2010, right in 2011). I don't want a gym membership, but I would very much like to support my fellow missionary friends.
So, what do I want to see happen in 2012? Adaptability is my main strength, so I guess I will go with the flow of the Holy Ghost and see where he takes me. I would love to go back to the Philippines (JRev is having an Asia outreach in May), and I really want to travel to a new country to spread the Gospel (I've been to India, Africa, and the Philippines for missions). I want to work with Mission Adventures in YWAM Vegas again because I had so much fun with the teens and showing them how to gain confidence in sharing their stories of faith with strangers. I do want to start running, but maybe I will start with biking, I prefer bikes because it reminds me of spending summers on Protection Island in Canada.
But more than anything else there is one thing I want before 2013 creeps up on me: I want to see a revival birthed in the youth of America-or at least get a game plan of how to create one. For years we have heard that God is ready to move, to take back a generation for His Namesake. For two years God has spoken directly to me about a "Love Revolution" in which love is the key to revival and reformation. Indeed I saw the birth of a revival this year, but before a revival can take place in a country it must take place in one's heart. The Lord spoke to me almost exactly a year ago that 2011 was to be the year of breakthrough and birthing revivals worldwide, and indeed it was. Now he speaks that 2012 is the year of Love, the year when the youth and young of America will give way to the inner groaning of their souls, the silenced crying out for more. This, dear reader, will be the year that we experience the power of God's furious, crazy, pursuant love. Nothing and no one can stop the tsunami of love which pours from the floodgates of heaven.
I've traveled to India (for the second time in six months), the Philippines (after dreaming of it for eight years), I have almost completed my first year as a missionary (which they say is always the hardest), I've witnessed hundreds come to know the Lord (in Vegas, Mumbai & Quezon Province), I made a lot of new friends, lost some old ones, found some who were lost come home. I've survived working in the ghetto without anything bad happening to me, or my car as it sat outside on F & Washington. I've eaten some of interesting foods (like isaw and balot). I witnessed many miracles, I learned how to die to my flesh, surrender it all for the sake of the Lord, I've seen breakthrough, I've witnessed the birth of a revival, I gained new levels of intimacy with the Beloved, learned a new level of patience as I keep waiting for the one. I learned to sing in the storm, dance in the rain, and play in the desert.
But I have yet to experience a full life, because life has so much more to offer.
In the last few years, after a few near death experiences, and seeing God's glory on my own mountaintop experiences, an innate passion to live life to the fullest burns within my soul. It's what drives me into another day, another year. It propels me closer to the stars, closer to my dreams-even the unattainable by human standpoint's dreams, especially those. Life is one of, if not the most precious gift given to mankind. The very least we can do is enjoy it and get the most out of it while glorifying and praising the one who bestowed such a treasure. Life is too fragile to throw away, much less waste away.
If I died tomorrow, heaven forbid!, I think I could say I lived a pretty good life, but I didn't live my life. My life has barely begun because I have only started on the journey which destiny has set before me. I have yet to find my life's calling, or at the very least, served my purpose. While many would say I "lived life to the fullest" I would say it's still half-empty. I'm not being pessimistic, rather I am fully optimistic! I understand that there are so many adventures that await me! Every year has gotten better and better than the prior, and every year I come out a different person, a changed for the better human, less a sinner and more a saint. I do not say so in vain, nor pride. We are all saints if we have accepted Christ within us, we are made new creations, creatures of the light, children of the King of Kings, we are servants of the Lord: Saints.
2011 was indeed an amazing year. I was stretched in my faith, broke more, hidden God-boxes, I witnessed the Lord's glory manifest itself through and in me and my friends, I grew in talents and giftings, blessings abounded as I stood astounded.
Did I accomplish any of my new year's resolutions for 2011? Well, other than going back to India, probably not. I'm the practically the same weight, my eating habits got somewhat better towards the end, I exercise here and there but never hardcore, no gym memberships for me. I didn't learn to play the guitar or even really try (someday!), everything is pretty much the same old same old on the exterior--but on the interior, I am a completely transformed, different person altogether than I was in 2010. I trust God more, I have fewer fears, I have faith to move more mountains (still working on others), I believe in impossibilities, I put myself out there more in ministry and evangelizing, I aim to serve others for their benefits over my own, I am hungrier for God than I have ever been before, and I am (finally) believing I can see my dreams become realities.
Each year my list of resolutions become smaller and smaller because I realize how futile my attempts are. I know me well enough to know that I really am not going to accomplish anything on my list because it is used to glorify myself and to make me look better to the world. But, on the flip side of the coin, if I change my motives I become more motivated because it is no longer all about me.
Resolutions rarely live past three months, six at the most, unless someone is super, super motivated. I am not that motivated to lose weight, but I am motivated to start taking better care of this temple in which the Spirit of God resides. I am not really into playing guitar, but I would love to play songs of worship for my Beloved in my Quiet Times. I don't like running, but I would love to run again since God healed my knees (left was healed in 2010, right in 2011). I don't want a gym membership, but I would very much like to support my fellow missionary friends.
So, what do I want to see happen in 2012? Adaptability is my main strength, so I guess I will go with the flow of the Holy Ghost and see where he takes me. I would love to go back to the Philippines (JRev is having an Asia outreach in May), and I really want to travel to a new country to spread the Gospel (I've been to India, Africa, and the Philippines for missions). I want to work with Mission Adventures in YWAM Vegas again because I had so much fun with the teens and showing them how to gain confidence in sharing their stories of faith with strangers. I do want to start running, but maybe I will start with biking, I prefer bikes because it reminds me of spending summers on Protection Island in Canada.
But more than anything else there is one thing I want before 2013 creeps up on me: I want to see a revival birthed in the youth of America-or at least get a game plan of how to create one. For years we have heard that God is ready to move, to take back a generation for His Namesake. For two years God has spoken directly to me about a "Love Revolution" in which love is the key to revival and reformation. Indeed I saw the birth of a revival this year, but before a revival can take place in a country it must take place in one's heart. The Lord spoke to me almost exactly a year ago that 2011 was to be the year of breakthrough and birthing revivals worldwide, and indeed it was. Now he speaks that 2012 is the year of Love, the year when the youth and young of America will give way to the inner groaning of their souls, the silenced crying out for more. This, dear reader, will be the year that we experience the power of God's furious, crazy, pursuant love. Nothing and no one can stop the tsunami of love which pours from the floodgates of heaven.
Saints & Sinners prepare ye the way of the Coming King: JOHN 3:17
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