Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mary Christmas!

To my politically correct, atheistic, agnostic, non-religious-affiliated, not sure what you believe readers:
May the soon to pass holidays be full of joy, well-spent time with family, and grant you happy-go-lucky feelings with a warmth of selfless giving, and excited receiving of random gifts from loved ones-which only happens once a year by default of society says so!


I had several different direction ideas for this blog such as is it possible for an Atheist to have a favorite Christmas carol? (Believe it or not, yes. Even though they are singing about someone they don't believe in.) And I know several wanted to hear my thoughts on the origins of Christmas, especially after reading "The Christians' Pink Elephant of Halloween: What are you Really Celebrating?" I think it should be obviously clear what my theories to the origins of Christmas are: CHRISTmas a.k.a. the birth of Jesus CHRIST. (Do I believe it really happened on December 25? Ehh, that's for a different blog which will take place post Christmas. Maybeh...)

Today's blog is about a side of Christmas that is never, if ever, taught. The person of topic is widely known yet easily forgotten. Though, I must admit, I cannot take any credit for this idea seeing as my pastor is the one who taught it in Sunday's sermon--but I'm taking a spin off the idea. I want to share my thoughts about being the mother of Jesus.

Firstly, and please humor me, ask yourselves these questions:
(If you're male think about your sister, girlfriend, mom, etc. being put in this position)

Can you imagine the ridiculing pressure, jeers, and rumors of becoming a virgin mother? (Heck, can you imagine being told, from an angel, you were going to conceive via Holy Spirit power!?)

Can you imagine being the mother of the man who would save mankind for all eternity finally opening the way to heaven?

Finally, can you imagine being the mother of GOD's son and as a teenager (younger than 16)?

If this were me I would have freaked, running around in circles, and buried my head deep in the sand so no one would know that I, being (let's just say for kicks) 15, pledged to be married but not yet so and now pregnant with the Son of GOD himself, the creator of the universe, and in 9 months I would be the one responsible for raising JESUS CHRIST-the Savior of all mankind from here til forevermore-who would also be fulfilling the prophecies of old!!! (Zoinks!)

But, we never hear anything like this from Mary, do we? There is one verse my pastor focused on which really slapped me silly, Luke 2:19: "But Mary treasured up all these things in her heart and pondered them."

The Bible never says she freaked out, it never says she lost heart, it never says she gave up hope, she never complained. She simply kept her thoughts to herself and God, and was grateful and joyful in all she did. Like her soon to be son, she remained pure and humble in action and thought. This is why, I believe, God chose her to be the mother of Jesus. God knew Mary's heart better than she herself, and he knew he could trust her because she clearly trusted him.

It amazes me when we first read about how an angel appeared to her to tell her of the pregnancy. She was afraid, as I think most would be, when the angel first appeared-but what an honor to hear the words spoken! "Greetings to you with whom the Lord favors!" (Luke 1: 30) Then after he explains that she will remain virgin and conceive via Holy Spirit, Mary's reply astounds me, "I am the Lord's servant...may your word to me be fulfilled." (WHAAA?!  O.O I know I couldn't do that, I think I would have passed out on the spot. When I woke up, I would pass out again because Gabriel the angel would still be standing in front of me.)

How does anybody go from freaking out because they find honor and favor with God, to "I will do whatever you ask of me and believe it to come to pass, with peace in my heart." She had a change of heart, and understood the honor God was asking of her. After this first angelic encounter, Mary goes to her friend Elizabeth (John the Baptist's mom) who already knows about the pregnancy and calls Mary blessed! 

Here is Mary's response: (Luke 1)
46 And Mary said:
   “My soul glorifies the Lord
 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful
   of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
 49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
   holy is his name.
50 His mercy extends to those who fear him,
   from generation to generation.
51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
   he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones
   but has lifted up the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
   but has sent the rich away empty.
54 He has helped his servant Israel,
   remembering to be merciful
55 to Abraham and his descendants forever,
   just as he promised our ancest
(source: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%201&version=NIV)

Never once do we read about complaining, fear, disbelief, etc. We simply read that Mary is grateful to be used by her God and that she humbly accepts the destiny he has set before her. Talk about a woman after God's own heart! And as we all know, the angelic heavenly hosts appear to the shepherds who go to Mary and share what they have seen and heard, then the magi come bearing gifts, the story of Jesus' birth spreads like wildfire--I think it's safe to say Mary became an instant celebrity overnight. But she never let the fame go to her head, as we read in Luke 2:19, "But Mary treasured up all these things in her heart and pondered them." She simply accepted things as they were, gave all glory to God taking none for herself, and raised Jesus as a normal child--even though he was anything but. She always encouraged him and never hindered or discouraged his giftings/destiny.

This Christmas, I would like to challenge, encourage, and ask you to reflect on your own heart. How much like Mary are you? Some people argue that it is too hard to be like Jesus because, even though he was human, he was perfect. But what about Mary? She exemplifies many of the same qualities her son had: more love than anyone knows what to do with so she shared it with those around her, humility, a pure heart, contrite spirit, and faith that God would do the impossible. But something that impresses me more than anything else about this story is this:

On several occasions angels appeared to many different people, a friend congratulates her on a baby conceived a few hours earlier, a star perfectly perched above the manger where Christ was born (in a dirty stable surrounded by nasty, stinky animals) which is visible all over the world, magi/kings come bearing expensive gifts (gold, myrrh, frankincense), conceiving a child by the power of the Holy Spirit while remaining virgin, having her husband-to-be told in a dream by an angel to marry her, and (physically) watch heavenly hosts sing at Jesus' birth... Mary remained silent and pure, thinking about everything that has happened, beaming with joy, giving ALL the glory to God.

God, please make me more like Mary... Selfless, pure, humble, and trusting you in all I say and do.

Mary Christmas everyone, God bless!

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