Sunday, August 8, 2010

Birthing the Sin City Saint

A lone shadow roams amongst the mass chaos of tourists, prostitutes and showgirls, pimps and drug dealers, and of course, the few locals of the busy Strip...
Her hoodie and dark, long bangs cover her face, her emotions are quite visible on the forest green sleeves.
Her heart is bleeding for this city, for the pain, the sin they proclaim and are famous for...
How did Las Vegas become so corrupt? When did it become so corrupt?
Or perhaps it has always been this way. After all, it was started by the mafia and mobsters.
This beautiful city of lights thrives on gambling, drunkeness, and sex.
What if it thrived on love, hope, and purity?
She slowly moves past the people, gazing at the pain they hide deep within their souls.
Who will tell their stories, who will save the prisoners, who will set the captives free?
Not I. For that is not my job. It never has been.
But I will change this city, one day, somehow, someday.
I will bring back love into such a destitute wasteland so many have cursed.
I will show these hurting slaves to sin what it feels like to be loved by the purest, most powerful love known to man. God's Love.
My name is Lauren, and I am a Sin City Saint...

I have been in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, for nearly five weeks now. Starting my fifth week as of this prior Thursday. I am currently attending the Awakening DTS [Discipleship Training School] associated with Youth with a Mission, also associated with the University of the Nations. This experience has truly changed my life in so many different aspects. God has, quite literally, shattered every stereotypical-God-box I had which I never knew I had until they were destroyed. He has also torn me down in the sense of stripping me of every prior pieces of knowledge I thought I had only to rebuild that foundation stronger. I can honestly and truly say he is my rock and my salvation, and I say that with meaning. Before I came here, I always knew the right words to say, the right actions to do, I had people wrapped around my long slender fingers. I knew the perfect Christian things to say to each individual to prove I knew it all. Then I came here and found out I had kindergarten-Christian-knowledge. Ouch...

But these past five weeks have totally strengthened my walk of faith with my Heavenly Father. I have learned how to hear the Holy Spirit, while also coming to the realization that my teachers were not just using anotehr figure of speech when they said to me in Sunday Schools, "When you ask him to come into your heart, he will." Seriously. They were not kidding! The Holy Spirit literally lives INSIDE of me, as he does in every Christian who says the "Sinner's Prayer" with conviction. I have also learned what it truly means to "Fear the Lord." No it does not mean that I have to hide behind a stone pillar, cover my head with my arms, and loudly exclaim, "Please don't kill me!" every time I do something wrong. Which, being the imperfect human being I am, I do on a daily basis, maybe even hourly. Instead, this fear more corresponds to loving him. Quite the opposite of fear, I know, but it is the truth.

I have also witnessed miracles which some of you could not even begin to fathom in your wildest imaginations! For example, after watching the movie "Finger of God" which is about a skeptic turned believer when it comes to Miracles, I saw a peer covered in gold dust, I personally was given a brand new, free, right knee replacement [I know because it feels brand new and the way it used to fit compared to the way it fits now shows it HAS to be new], and I watched as my right leg and right foot grew to match the left leg and foot in length. Another peer was healed from scoliosis, and another fellow DTS student was healed from her asthma, crooked spine, and swollen ankle. Even a good friend of mine, who had broke his eardrum a week before, was healed instantaneously after watching this powerful movie. I have also been set free of a [at least] twelve year battle against myself in the area of self-hatred. I remember being at a very young age and hating what I saw in the mirror. Middle School was absolute hell on earth, and probably the pinnacle point of when my self-hatred starting taking over the way I not only viewed myself, but the way I viewed the world around me. I was finally released from that and given new eyes, quite literally. I used to refer to these green gems as "My Demise, Beautiful Green Eyes" because they were the only part of my body that I even remotely liked, but it was because of them that I hated everything I saw. Now, I see the world and myself through Heaven's Eyes, through my Creator's eyes. Words cannot even begin to describe how I feel now...

Amazed? or Skeptical? 'Tis of no consequence to me. I am not here to convert anyone to my beliefs, or even try to gain some sort of distorted blogger fame. I simply decided to create a blog in a way to release my creative side in a new revelation I had never done before. I have written poems, journaled, drawn , and acted many times, but never have I blogged. However, if you find yourself questioning your own beliefs or wanting to learn more about God may I suggest you do one of the following:
1. Go to this website: and listen to some of the podcasts. The teachers and subjects will amaze you.
2. Email a friend you think could possibly help you, even a little bit.
3. Pray about it. Ask God to provide you with guidance.
4. Comment me. I will try as best I can to help, but I cannot guarantee you 100% satisfaction.

Sincerely Yours,
             Sin City Saint

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