Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Speechless Surprise.

Two months have flown by preparing for this trip.
I am that much closer to the adventure of a lifetime which is jam-packed into two weeks.
And I get to spend it all with two of my best friends.
Two days left.

God has most definitely shown himself to be orchestrating miracles and confirmations that this is what he wants us to do next. It's crazy to even think that I have raised over $2300 in the past two and a half months, and then some by providing an extra $800 for a new laptop.

In two days I will be embarking on the greatest adventure of my life, thus far. Why do I keep calling it that? Well, for one because everything inside of me screams that it will be. Two, I feel it in my bones. Three, I have never faced or seen so much opposition while preparing for a trip.

I'm sorry this particular blog is not written as usual, but at the same time I seem to be at a loss for words. At this point I feel as though I should not write anything but instead wait for the Lord to reveal the surprises in full. As I was talking to one of the DTS students yesterday before she left on outreach, we came to the realization that we are similar in we often ruin surprises others plan for us because we have (terrible) habits of trying to figure everything out prior to the events. But this is no ordinary surprise. 

God has been preparing my heart, mentality, and spirit for the past eight years. This is no regular missions trip, this is a trip that is going to transform my life because I strongly feel that this trip is when God will reveal more of my destiny and who I am. In the next two weeks he is going to show me secrets of my future. But the greatest part about this trip, is that I will not be alone in discovering. My two friends get to also find out what God has in store for them. They too will find out God's plans and purposes for their lives, discover the next step, their own ministries which God has in store for them. 

I, personally, am super stoked to see what God wants to reveal. And I can see him, up in heaven, rubbing his hands together in excitement and suspense, giddy like a little kid waiting to give the bestest gift EVER. The gift to beat all gifts. I see the huge smile on his face, his eyes big with wonder, the angels of heaven gathering as he is about to give it to us. 

See you all in two weeks, 

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