A lot of people have asked me, "Sooo... What do you do for work?"
My answer: "Lots, and lots, and lots of awesomeness!"
But of course that is not a "legitimate" answer, shame.
So, here is what "Mission Adventures is and does" in a nutshell:
Mission Adventures is a fully-serviced program which is a fahncy schmancy way of saying "missions trip." But, instead of traversing the world to the jungles or rainforest or even the slums, you can go straight to the heart of sin, the lovely: Las Vegas, Nevada. *KaChing!*
"Well how can I change the world, or Vegas? I'm just a kid..."
Great! You're a perfect candidate!
We accept kids of all ages from as young as nine to as wise as seventy into our program--you just need parental consent, and a pastor to back you up saying you are mature enough to endure this trip. It's hard, as is every mission trip, but it's so worth it!
In the 14 months I have worked with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Vegas in the Mission Adventures (MA) program, I have witnessed hundreds of students come through, each changed in some way, shape, or form, and changing thousands lives more. We have seen many people come to know Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour (10 people just in the four weeks of spring we have had so far-PTL!).
We have a ton of different, fun outreaches including Free Prayer (complete with a giant sign on Fremont Street Experience), Crosswalk (on the Strip), 2x2's, as well as some service/volunteer outreaches which include feeding the homeless on two different occassions and leading a chapel service at our local Rescue Mission. The whole point of our outreaches is to have the students become comfortable evangelizing and sharing their faith in different ways according to what fits their personalities best. This way, the mountaintop experience that happened in Vegas does not stay in Vegas. (;
It's a really great opportunity for students of all ages, and all walks of life, to come together as brothers and sisters and grow closer to God. We are currently accepting youth groups, or individuals, from all over N. America, for summer 2012 and all of 2013. Here is a link to our website so you can find out when we have available weeks, but if none of them work for you we can arrange a special week for your team: http://www.missionadventures.net/ywam-las-vegas/
Feel free to email me if you have any further questions at laurenp@ywamlasvegas.org. (This is my work email so I will get back to you ASAP if you email me here! But this is for work purposes only, if you start sending me other messages for junk or advertisements, I will probably spam you. Just saying...)
Mission Adventures has changed hundreds upon thousands of lives in the 14 years we have done it, and God wants to do so much more! So spread the word, fellow listeners! He who has ears to ear, or eyes to see on facebook, twitter, blogs, you name it, spread it! Tell your cousins, your pastors, your parents and leaders, shoot! Tell your grandparents and dogs! We'll take them all! (Minus the dogs, we don't prepare edible dog food.) Pass the word, we'd love to have you come hang out with us for a week this summer!
Be blessed, and (as the Price is Right would say), 'COME ON DOOOOWN!'
P.S. Yes, I did that drawing/doodle. I was "bored" and attempting to find new ways to promote MA 2012. (:
Mission Adventures 2012 Promo Video
Mission Adventures 2012 Promo Video
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