Monday, August 11, 2014

Where the Hell is God?

I know, not your typical opening question/title that you expect from a self-proclaimed "saint". Yet I promise you hundreds more are screaming it in their daily prayers. I promise you I'm not the only one who is angry. I promise you I'm not the only one shaking their fist, throwing a hand, tears streaming down their face wondering, "God.... Where are you?" If we can be honest with Him, and He doesn't judge us, why can't we be honest with each other as a family? Let's face it, past the cookie cutter emojis of our dwindling existence on throngs of pages streaming the internet masked with pictures of the last day of summer vacation/first day at school jitters, weddings, babies, engagement photos and drunken tourists living it up one weekend more as the summer comes to a close, our world is hurting, crying out, wondering, and struggling to survive.

Gaza--almost 2,000 died in two months. The youngest was 10 days old, the oldest was 100 years.
Yazidi refugees.
Ebola virus continues to spread and kill dozens in Africa.
Ukraine is being invaded by Russia.
27 million slaves in the sex slave industry.
610,042 homeless Americans (in 2013).
Robin Williams died earlier this morning fighting severe depression.
A police officer shot an unarmed black teen in Missouri which then breaks out in a violent riot.
More violent riots break out in Pakistan.
Japan is struck by another earthquake where dozens are hurt, and one is dead.
Two men commit suicide by jumping off a train in Tokyo.

This is just a short list of our world today in all it's depressive glory.
And you wonder why I asked, "Where the hell is God?"
The whole world seems to be asking, especially those living in a Hell on Earth.

Here in America we will live stream, promote, and publicize the death of Robin Williams far more than those in Gaza, Africa, Afghanistan, etc. Why? Because he was an American idol, he was a common household name. We all know him from being the genie in Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, RV, comedy acts, Academy Awards, etc. We've followed him, we praised him, we will remember him, and we will mourn him. But what about the two men who jumped in Tokyo? Will no one mourn for them? Or the 10 day old who died in Gaza, why is there no televised memorial for them? A human is a human and we are all of the same worth, regardless of our occupation.

 So where is God?
The atheists have been asking and trying to prove His non-existence for millennia, and yet they have not proven either His existence nor His absence. Why? Because you can't physically see Him. So for us to point the finger at the list and blame Him is futile because some of you don't believe He is real to begin with. Alas, the list is a list because a bunch of broken people want to be right. It's a power struggle. Always has been, always will be, and recently it's a power struggle with a temper tantrum. Granted, things like a virus and earthquake aren't power struggles, those are natural phenomena that we have no control over--however we sometimes do have control to prepare against and/or for. But it becomes a power struggle when we knowingly withhold our hands to help those in need.

So where is God?
The answer is simple, He is in the person reading this.
That's right, you heard me.
He's in you, and He is in me. He is in His people who He has given resources, hands, feet, and a mouth to be His instruments in this symphony of a struggle we call "Life."

I'm not saying you need to go be a missionary to the above mentioned scenarios, but if you're called to it then get to it.

I promise, I really do get it, I promise I understand.

Most people, like 85% of us, can't just jump on a plane and go to these places to help be the physical hands and feet. God knows I wish I could, again. From 2010-2012, I was on the mission field traveling to India (twice), the Philippines, and all over North (ghetto) Las Vegas and the Strip, being the very hands and feet of God, working to share His love and heal hearts and help where needed. I was 19 when I started, and now being almost 24 my heart burns to go back out to the world. But I can't, because God called me away to go back to school where I am finishing my last year at a Bible college studying to be a youth pastor (which I'm hoping will translate into an international youth pastor and let me speak to teens and young people worldwide).

I'm still practically broke, I was actually "richer" as a missionary than I am now, but I digress.

It's not time for me to go to the world, and I hate it. But, I can, in my little world, pray for my friends who are being sent in the world. My best friend just moved to Japan less than a month ago. I can't financially support him, but I can daily be praying for him and for God to use him. Another friend from my missionary days is a teacher in Azerbaijan. My sister's best friend taught English in China for a year. But not all my friends are missionaries to the world. My best (Vegas) friend is a representative for a casino. Another one is a cop who works with public televised affairs. My Mom does bookkeeping, my sister is an editor by trade, my Dad's an attorney. I have several friends in the hotel biz, and many more who work to pay their school bills by slaving over the lattes that people later complain didn't get it right--even though the order may as well be an equation for calculus.

My point in all this is we need to stop asking "Where is God" because He has always been here. He never left, He never turned a cold shoulder, He never abandoned us, even in our own Hell's. His Word is truth and has proven so many times in my life. So when it says He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrew 14:8), and He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Rather He is called  good shepherd who leads us beside still waters and makes us lie down in green pastures (Psalm 23:2). He takes care of us, but sometimes we don't take care of each other and that's when things start to get messy.

Unfortunately, there is no way for us, in our own capacity and strength, to save the world. It can't be done. Superheroes are just like fairy tales in that they provide hope for the future and inspiration for the commoner to dare to be different and make a difference, but by themselves they cannot stay a world-renown hero, at least not for long. That's why we need a Savior, and we have one in Jesus. Do why are we withholding such a treasure from those who need it? If at least one person shared the truth with, at least, one other person how fast do you think that news would travel? We are really good at sharing the goodness of God with each other, but what about with someone who doesn't know? We're great at reminding one another of God's love in the church service but horrible on the
freeways right after service on our way to grab some grub. (I am very guilty of this, sadly...)

So what am I essentially getting at here?
If you want God to send you to the world, or be used to help get someone in he world, prove you're worth it. Prove you're faithful, because he exalts the humble and throws down the proud. If you can't be trusted to share with your family, what business do you have sharing it in Malawi? You want to get a raise so you can start funding other missions? When was the last time you were faithful every
month to tithe? If you can't even give God 10% what makes you think you would give your friend 20? He tells us to test Him by tithing our finances in Malachi 4. (It's the only time, I've personally found, where God says it's okay to test Him.)

So again I ask you, as you once asked yourself in your darkest hour, and maybe even the last time you checked the news, Where is God?

And again I tell you, He is sitting in your seat.
Standing in your shoes.
He's reading these small words on a phone, iPod, tablet, computer screen.
He's in You.

So what're you gonna do about it?

If you can support someone financially, even if it's one time. I urge you, implore even, do it.
If you can't support financially, please at the very least pray. Prayer moves mountains.
If you can go on a missions trip, no matter where, even once for a few weeks, go, it will change your life, and your perspective.
You don't need to go across the world to change it, unless a God tells you to move--like my best friend who has been obsessed with Japanese culture and it's people, and had a countdown to the days he left like two love birds waiting for their wedding day.
Ask God what you can do, what you should do, and if He doesn't respond then step out in faith and meet a need until you get a direction.

Oh, and one last thing: the last words we got from Jesus was that He would be with us until the end.
But He said this after He told them to GO.
"Go where?", you may ask? Who cares?! Go anywhere, go somewhere, just go!
 And don't let fear hold you back.
If you can't leave, then go to your neighbors, your workplace, the fellow parents of your kids, your friends at school.
Go where you can and where you're needed most, and know He is always with you.
We just don't always see Him because rather than coming like a King, He knew it was time to come as a servant.


BBC News 

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